Clearcut Tree Surgery is committed to combating modern slavery and human trafficking in all its forms. As a responsible business, we acknowledge our duty to uphold fundamental human rights and ethical principles throughout our operations and supply chain.

Our Approach:

  1. Policy Commitment: Clearcut Tree Surgery has adopted a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery and human trafficking. Our Anti-Slavery Policy outlines our commitment to preventing, detecting, and addressing any instances of modern slavery or human trafficking within our organization and supply chain.
  2. Due Diligence: We conduct rigorous due diligence checks on our suppliers and subcontractors to assess their compliance with anti-slavery and human trafficking laws and regulations. This includes verifying their policies, practices, and adherence to ethical standards.
  3. Employee Training: We provide training and awareness programs for our employees to recognize the signs of modern slavery and human trafficking and report any concerns or suspicions. Empowering our workforce to identify and address potential risks is essential to our efforts to combat modern slavery.
  4. Supplier Engagement: Clearcut Tree Surgery engages with our suppliers and subcontractors to promote ethical practices and raise awareness of the importance of combating modern slavery. We encourage transparency and collaboration to ensure that our supply chain remains free from exploitation.
  5. Continuous Improvement: We continuously review and enhance our policies, procedures, and practices to strengthen our approach to combatting modern slavery and human trafficking. We collaborate with stakeholders, industry partners, and experts to share best practices and drive positive change.


Clearcut Tree Surgery is committed to upholding the principles of the Modern Slavery Act and taking proactive measures to combat modern slavery and human trafficking. Through our policies, due diligence processes, employee training, supplier engagement, and continuous improvement efforts, we aim to contribute to the eradication of modern slavery and promote ethical business practices across our industry and beyond.